(Vol. XXVII No. 3, Editorial Cartoon)
It has often been said that promises are easier said than done.
This is especially true in politics where we often experience being showered with promises by our political leaders. Unfortunately for us, broken promises are not only limited to the national political circles.
Overflowing plans and broken promises had become a part of our political culture, that even when we are unsatisfied with our leaders we keep quiet and pretend that everything is all right. But is it right?
As the new school year starts, new student leaders will also take the helm of the student government. New leaders mean a whole new year of prospective developments for the student body and the university, a whole new set of leaders laying out their plans for the students—or at least, that is what they say.
While a lot of the promises made by the past SG officers remain unfulfilled, the student body is looking forward to see what the present set of officers have to offer. After all, they did promise a lot when they ran for office.
Aside from fulfilling the many promises that they have made during their campaigns, it is also important to remind the present set of SG officers of the many issues that they need to address now that they are finally in office. It is high time that the student government realize that leadership is not only about providing enjoyable programs and putting up lounges and other projects.
The Student Government is a representative of the student body. The SG officers should serve as the liaison between the students and the administration. The SG should, therefore, fight for the students and not act as puppets of the administration.
For one, the SG should at least come up with a clear and final dress code policy to avoid the continuing confusion in the proper dress code of the university. It is somehow commendable how the past officers tried to come up with a clear dress code but as its present implementation is again being questioned, then the SG should do something about it.
Also, the SG should learn to start fighting for students’ rights as a lot of it are already being violated. Programs that could help the students in matters such as sexual harassments and abuses should be given attention also.
Though it is still too early to judge the kind of leaders that we have, still we are hoping that they will be a lot better than the past student leaders that the university had.
Our present student leaders have countless plans, many of which focus only on beautification and cleanliness, and like our national political leaders; they too showered us with promises during their campaigns. It is still too early to know which among the many promises will be fulfilled but it wouldn’t be too much to expect that the present SG would finally make a difference. Will they? That remains to be seen.
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